Premium Papers available
May 30, 2014, by Lisa SavilleThere is such an amazing variety of papers available to print on nowadays and we readily order in speciality stocks for our clients. Sometimes this causes delays in production and incurs additional cutting and/or delivery charges from the paper merchants. For this reason we try to keep the most popular ranges in stock at all times and Hot Ink is becoming known for the premium papers that we offer. Some of these have become very popular for business card printing, most notably: Haddonia Ivory Board for its whiteness and rigidity, and the Natural Evolution for its thick chalky texture. Because quality is what we are all about, we have encouraged the use of these fine stocks for business card printing and have absorbed the additional costs for the last 3 years. Unfortunately the latest increases have forced us to add a small surcharge when selecting the following premium ranges that we carry in stock:
Cyclus Offset, Curious metal, Desert Storm, Natural Evolution, Trace, Rives Tradition, Linen and Cocoon.
This Surcharge does not apply to your other favourite stocks, like Magno Satin coated or Colotech gloss and matt.
Please contact us for pricing and let us help you choose the best paper to suit your project!
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