Jewel Cases

We supply a variety of jewel cases as well as other packaging solutions including clam shells; PVC pockets and handmade custom sleeves. We also master and duplicate both CDs and DVDs and print high quality labels onto both matt and gloss stock.

Nice Things People Say About Us

“WE have had excellent business cards and display posters printed with Hot Ink, THANKS! Great service.”
The Potter’s Gallery

“Nicola you are a star! I totally love the invitation. The colour, the texture and the bubbles - perfect!
You know where I am coming for my next project :) Thank you again.”
Etienne Kruger

“Nicola what a fantastic job you have done - as usual. Thank you so much! I am absolutely thrilled! Thanks again for all your incredible work (and talent).”
Jackie Lagus

“I want to thank Hot Ink for your continued support. We could not do what we do without the support of
compassionate visionaries like yourself.
It is only through you that we have been able to have over 2000 children in our programmes daily.”
Kevin Chaplin - The Amy Biehl Foundation Trust

“Thank you Garth, Hot Ink’s service was brilliant as usual.”
Mike van Schoor - Progressive Housing Investments

“Just wanted to say a HUGE Thank you for all your help and patience! The wedding was magical!
I will be contacting you in future for Ethans birthday invitation :)”
Candice Nason

“A big Thank You to you and your team for last week. Without your help we would not have been able to meet our tight deadlines. Thanx a million.
A special Thank You to your Finishing Department for a job well done. Hope you guys enjoyed the pizza!!!”
Royzanne Kampher - Sky Media

“It was great working with you. You really helped us in a pinch. We’d love to use you again and won’t hesitate to contact you next time we have to print something for our office in South Africa.”
Judy Edgehill - Levi’s USA